Using the $Event.Formatter$ macro

You can use the $Event.Formatter$ macro in notification channels to add information about events. The following $Event.Formatter$ macros are available. For more information about the $Event.Formatter$ macro, as well as general information on using macros, see the Macro Guide.

Formatting codes for the $Event.Formatter$ macro
Category Formatter
ServerDate Date, DateTime, Day. For example $Event.ServerDate:Date$.
Value1 Hexadecimal, Long, SignedLong, String,TrueFalse, YesNo. For example $Event.Value1:TrueFalse$$Event.Value1:Hexadecimal$.
Source IP IPAddress, IPAddressLocal, RFC822, RFC822Local. For example $Event.SourceIP:IPAddress$.

For example, the Email to System Administrator Channel object uses the $Event.Formatter$ macro in the message body field. The $Event.Formatter$ macro retrieves Readable Log Text field from the database. When a notification is routed through the Email to System Administrator channel, Trust Protection Platform:

  • Looks up the event description in the associated log schema.
  • Processes the macros embedded in the event description.
  • Provides the final event description in the message body.

The end result is that the readable log text from the event is included in the message body for all notification messages routed through the Email to System Administrator Channel object.

For information on the Trust Protection Platform default notifications or defining your own Notification Rules, see Managing notification rules.