Configuring the RSA Certificate Manager CA Template object

To enable Trust Protection Platform to manage RSA certificates, you must configure the RSA Certificate Manager CA Template object. This object provides the information Trust Protection Platform needs to request, retrieve, and install certificates issued by the RSA Certificate Manager CA.

BEST PRACTICE  Consider managing CA Template object settings using a policy. For more information, see Managing CA templates using policies.

What's next?

After you create a CA object, you can select it from the Policy tree, and then view important information and manage various settings.

  • Click the General tab to view and modify log and permissions settings.

    • Click the Log sub-tab to view any logged events that are triggered by the template object.

      IMPORTANT  You must have the Read permission to view the Log tab.

      For more information about options found on the Log tab, see Viewing log events.

    • On the Permissions sub-tab, you can configure the users or groups to whom you want to grant permissions to the new template object.

      Consider managing object permissions via parent objects so that you can take advantage of inheritance. For more information, see Permission inheritance and flow down.

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