Configuring Server Agent connectivity

Agent Connectivity work can be used for three tasks:

  • Specifying when and how frequently the agent checks in with the Trust Protection Platform server to retrieve work assignments and schedules.
  • (Optional) Changing the Trust Protection Platform server that the Server Agent reports to
  • Updating the minimum disk space requirements for Server Agent work to continue executing

TIP  Changes you make in TLS Protect can take up to 10 minutes before they take effect. This delay is designed to minimize impact on your server's performance. However, if you want to force your changes immediately, either use IIS Manager to recycle the VEDClient Application Pool (for the Trust Protection Platform server) to refresh the configuration cache, or issue the iisreset command to restart the IIS web server.

For SSH agentless groups, you'll need to restart the Trust Protection Platform service (vplatform).

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