Logging thresholds

You can manage the level of detail that the Log server records events. Many organizations have a policy that defines the level of verbosity that must be logged. Logging thresholds—sometimes called severity levels—determine the level of detail (verbosity) that is written to the log.

The following table lists the logging thresholds supported by Trust Protection Platform:

Logging thresholds

Level of verbosity

Emergency Least verbose...
Alert Logging thresholds from highest to lowest severity
Info Most verbose

Trust Protection Platform includes a logging threshold setting where you can define the level of detail you want to capture for logged events. For the Server Agent, logging is disabled by default. By setting Logging Threshold to Error, Server Agent events are written to Syslog or the Windows event log. The capture events contain the level of event detail specified by Error.

EXAMPLE  Suppose you are configuring SSH discovery work for an agent group. Your organization's policy requires that all event logging must be at the Error level or higher. Near the end of the SSH Discovery page, you set the Logging Threshold to Error.

Agent Groups threshold settings