About hash tables for Adaptable Workflow

Data is passed to (and returned by) each function using hash table data structures.

A general hash table, which includes a common set of data, is passed to all of the functions. A specific hash table, which includes data that is applicable specifically to the function, is passed to functions that require additional data. All functions must return a single hash table that includes a result along with any other variables that the function is required to return.

Consider the following guidelines and expected behaviors:

  • Functions must not return errors; rather, they must throw exceptions in the same way that actual PowerShell errors do. The Adaptable Credential Adaptable SSH Key Discovery feature treats exceptions thrown by a PowerShell function as a fatal error and then halts processing.
  • Thrown exceptions are handled as unexpected. If there is an error, we recommended you use Result="Failure" and pass the error description in the Error="" parameter.
  • All functions (except where noted) must be present in the script, but they are optional from a logic standpoint.
  • In the function references that follow, the following two functions are listed as not being required: GetConfigPath, and CleanUP. This means they are optional to implement. However, they should still be present in the script, and should return Result="Success" even with empty result data.