Adaptable SSH Key Discovery prerequisites

Before you configure an Adaptable SSH Key Discovery object in Trust Protection Platform, review the following prerequisites:

  • To work effectively with any Venafi adaptable solution, you must have some working knowledge of PowerShell scripting, or you must have equivalent experience with a scripting language similar to PowerShell.

  • Install Windows PowerShell 3.0 or later.
  • Install .NET 4.7.2 or later.
  • (Conditional) If your Adaptable script requires access to the Venafi Web SDK, you'll need to do the following:

    • Create an API Application Integration that's specific to your script. This is a required step in which you register your application with Trust Protection Platform. For more information, see Integrating other systems with Venafi products.

      TIP  When you configure your Adaptable object, you'll be required to specify the application ID you gave to your API Application Integration.

    • If you don't already have one, create a Username credential that has been associated with a service account that has permissions to the API application. See Creating user name or password credentials and Configuring policies and devices for use in Adaptable SSH Key Discovery.
  • Make sure you have a username credential that is valid for the device you will connect to. This is the username and password SSH Protect will use to connect to the device. For information on working with credentials, see Creating user name or password credentials.
  • Check out the sample script in the \Venafi\Scripts\AdaptableSSHManagement\sample\ folder. This will help you create your script. Your scripts should be stored in the \Venafi\Scripts\AdaptableSSHManagement\ folder. You will only be able to select items that appear in that specific folder, not any descendant folders.

What's Next

After you've reviewed the Adaptable Workflow prerequisites, you're ready to start creating your Adaptable SSH Key Discovery object. See Configuring policies and devices for use in Adaptable SSH Key Discovery.