Testing the Web SDK from the browser

You can use a web browser to verify that the Web SDK is accessible to the client system. From the browser, type https://[Trust Protection Platform Server name]/VEDSDK/. The landing page should show the default OpenAPI viewer. If the page does not render, either the server is not running or it doesn't have a domain name.

By default this feature is enabled and the default viewer is OpenAPI Explorer. Your administrator can disable this feature. See Enable API documentation.

There are three Open API 3.0 viewers installed with Trust Protection Platform. You can choose to use any of the three by going to the following URLs:

  • OpenAPI Explorer (default):

  • Swagger

  • Redoc

You cannot access these viewers from the Venafi Documentation Portal (https://docs.venafi.com). You must access them on your installed Venafi server.

Since you are viewing this page on a locally-installed server, if your server uses the standard configuration, these links should take you to the correct pages: