Certificates/Request error messages

The following error messages can occur while Trust Protection Platform is enrolling or provisioning certificates via POST Certificates/Request:

  • Argument error. Parent DN [Parent DN] does not exist.
  • Argument error. Parent DN recursive [Parent DN recursive] does not exist.
  • An 'ObjectName' or 'Subject' is required for requesting a certificate.
  • Certificate [CertificateDN does not exist.

  • Certificate request error. Certificate is disabled.
  • Certificate request mismatch. Certificate [Certificate] is originated from a Service Generated CSR, but the request contains a PKSC#10.

  • Certificate request mismatch. Certificate [Certificate] which originated from a User Provided CSR, requires a PKSC#10.

  • Certificate will not be processed. Certificate Policy Management type [Management type] is locked.
  • Could not store renewal request on certificate CertificateDNError: [Config result codes].

  • Custom Field error. Custom Field [Name] is locked by policy.
  • Custom Field error. Custom Field [Name] is locked by policy. Custom Field error. Custom Field [Name] supports just a single value but multiple values are provided.
  • Custom Field error. Custom Field with name [Name] does not exist or is not applicable for [Config class] class.
  • Custom Field error. Expected a list of Identities as a value for Custom Field [Name].
  • Custom Field error. Expected a string value for Custom Field [Name].
  • Custom Field error. Failed to read class for object [Certificate DN], error: [Config Error].
  • Custom Field error. Failed to write Custom Field [Name] value; config error: [Config Error].
  • Custom Field error. Identity value with Prefixed Universal [Prefixed Universal] for Custom Field [Name] is null or invalid.
  • Custom Field error. Name for Custom Field is null or empty.
  • Custom Field error. Only a single string can be provided as a value for text Custom Field [Name].
  • Custom Field error. Only a single string can be provided as a value for Custom Field [Name].
  • Custom Field error. The value for the mandatory Custom Field [Label] is not set.
  • Custom Field error. There are no allowed values for Custom Field [Name].
  • Custom Field error. Type of Date and Time Custom Field [Name] is undefined.
  • Custom Field error. Value [Custom Field value] does not match the regular expression for [Name] Custom Field.
  • Custom Field error. Value [Custom Field value] is not allowed for Custom Field [Name].
  • Custom Field error. Value [Custom Field value] is not in the correct format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM for Date and Time Custom Field [Name].
  • Custom Field error. Value [Custom Field value] is not in the correct format YYYY-MM-DD for Date only Custom Field [Name].
  • Custom Field error. Value [Custom Field value] is not in the correct format HH:mm for Time only Custom Field [Name].
  • Custom Field error. Value for Custom Field [Name] is null or empty string.
  • Custom Field error. Value is not provided for Custom Field [Name].
  • Failed to Approver; Error: [Config result codes]
  • Failed to Contact; Error: [Config result codes]
  • Failed to create certificate object; Error: [Config result codes]
  • Failed to load certificate list due to a query error, please check the query parameters and try again. Error details: [message]
  • Failed to read certificate guid; Error: [Config result codes]
  • Failed to re-enable the certificate. Error: [Error].
  • Failed to set work to do; Error: [Config result codes]
  • Failed to write automatic renewal; Error: [Config result codes]
  • Failed to write ca dn; Error: [Config result codes]
  • Failed to write 'CASpecificAttributes'. Value for attribute [Attribute]' was an invalid data type. Values for 'CASpecificAttributes' must be formatted as strings.
  • Failed to write city; Error: [Config result codes]
  • Failed to write city; Error: [Config result codes]
  • Failed to write country; Error: [Config result codes]
  • Failed to write driver name; Error: [Config result codes]
  • Failed to write elliptic curve; Error: + session.Config.Result;
  • Failed to write key bit size; Error: + session.Config.Result;
  • Failed to write management type; Error: [Config result codes]
  • Failed to write org unit; Error: [Config result codes]
  • Failed to write organization; Error: [Config result codes]
  • Failed to write x509 subject; Error: [Config result codes]
  • Invalid elliptic curve.
  • Invalid KeyAlgorithm. Supported values are RSA or ECC.
  • Invalid PKCS#10 data.
  • Invalid PKCS#10 data. PolicyDN + [Parent DN] does not exist.
  • Invalid SubjectAlternateName Type. [SAN type] does not match a valid SAN type. Only values 0, 1, 2, 6, 7 are allowed.
  • Invalid SubjectAlternateName Type. Either Type or TypeName is required for SAN values.
  • Invalid SubjectAlternateName TypeName. [SAN type] does not match a valid SAN type name. Only values OtherName, RFC822, Email, DNS, URI, IPAddress are allowed.
  • PKCS#10 data not in base64 format.
  • PKCS#10 data not in base64 format; + [Message]
  • PKCS#10 data required. Policy [PolicyDN] is locked to a User Provided CSR.

  • PKCS#10 data will not be processed. Policy [PolicyDN] is locked to a Server Generated CSR.

    PKCS#10 data will not be processed. Policy [PolicyDN] is locked to a Server Generated CSR.

  • PolicyDN: [PolicyDN] not exist or you do not have sufficient rights to the object.

  • SANs error. Subject alternative names [SAN names] violate policy settings.

  • The request does not provide any value for the Application {ObjectName} class specific attribute [Class Specific Attributes Name].