Parent class—Discovery Statistics

Manages the results of a Trust Protection Platform Discovery. Works in conjunction with other object classes, such as Parent class—Schedule Base.

  • Class Name: Discovery Statistics
  • Inheritance: None
Discovery Statistics Attributes



Certificates Found

UI: Certificates Found
Required: No

Policy Definable: No. Default: NA

An informational attribute set only by Trust Protection Platform. The total number certificates found during a Discovery.

Completed Scans

UI: Ports Surveyed
Required: No

Policy Definable: No. Default: NA

An informational attribute set only by Trust Protection Platform. The total number of IP:port combinations that a Discovery job scanned.

Connect Succeeded

UI: Ports Responded
Required: No

Policy Definable: No. Default: NA

An informational attribute set only by Trust Protection Platform. The total number of IP:port combinations that a Discovery job successfully established TCP connections.

Keys Found

UI: Keys Found
Required: No

Policy Definable: No. Default: NA

An informational attribute set only by Trust Protection Platform. The total number of IP:port combinations that a Discovery job successfully retrieved an SSH key.