Licensing report

The Venafi License report itemizes the licenses currently in use on Trust Protection Platform, listed by license type. This is an automatic report that is read-only, and the license data is periodically submitted via email to Venafi at

This report is required in accordance with the Venafi EULA.

What’s important about licensing?

The Licensing report provides a snapshot of the licenses used, organized by type. This report helps ensure that your company is in compliance with Venafi's license agreement.

The Description column of the report tells you how each type of data was calculated.

Information contained in the report


License Type

Identity Type


TLS Protect


TLS Certificates

The number of active server certificates multiplied by the number of additional instances of applications where the certificate is being validated.



TLS Certificates

The number of active server or device certificates configured for provisioning multiplied by the number of additional instances of non-basic applications where the certificate and/or private key are being provisioned.


Venafi Advanced Key Protect


The number of active server or device certificates who's keys are generated using an HSM and are configured for enrollment and/or provisioning multiplied by the number of additional instances of non-basic applications where the certificate and/or private key are being provisioned.

SSH Protect


SSH Devices

The number of hosts (client, server, appliance, or virtual instance) running on their own operating system with a unique IP address using Trust Protection Platform for SSH discovery and mapping.



SSH Devices

The number of hosts (client, server, appliance, or virtual instance) running on their own operating system with a unique IP address using Trust Protection Platform for SSH key remediation.

Client Protect

Client Protect


The number of active mobile certificates.





No Product Assignment

Client Device


The number of active managed client device certificates multiplied by the number of additional instances of applications where the certificate is being validated.

Venafi System Information




Organization Name



The name of the organization that was provided in the Venafi Configuration Console when the system was initially set up. You cannot change this value.

Deployment Type



The deployment type that was provided in the Venafi Configuration Console when the system was initially set up. You cannot change this value.

System Version



The version of Trust Protection Platform running on this server.

Active Features



The licenseable components that have been enabled on this system.

Usage Statistics



Shows whether usage statistics are configured to be sent back to Venafi via the Usage Report. For more information, see Usage Report.

Venafi Advanced Key Protect



Status of the Venafi Advanced Key Protect module, which provides features related to HSM remote and central key generation.

CodeSign Protect



Status of CodeSign Protect product, which provides HSM storage and retrieval of keys used to sign code.