About permissions

Access to items in Trust Protection Platform is controlled through permissions that are granted to individual users, or groups that users belong to.

Before you begin working in permissions, you should have a working understanding of the following:

In Venafi Platform, permissions can be viewed for objects (certificates, keysets, devices, folders) and identities. When you are viewing object permissions, the permissions that are applied to those objects depend on where the objects are in the policy tree, because objects inherit the permissions set at the parent level (or higher) in the tree. Venafi Platform shows you both the permissions set on the current object, as well as the permissions that are effectively applied based on the object's position in the policy tree.

Permissions for objects (including certificates, keysets, folders, and devices, and jobs)

NOTE  Permissions information is only available to users who have the Manage Permissions permission for the object they are viewing.

To view permissions for a certificate, keyset, folder, device, or job, locate the object, and then click Permissions.

Permissions panel for certificates in the Aperture console

The Permissions panel shows both local permissions (#1 in the graphic above) that are applied to this specific item (e.g. certificate or device), as well as cumulative permissions (#2) that this object inherits based on its position in the folder structure.

Permissions that are explicitly granted to this object appear as editable check boxes. Permissions that are implied based on being granted by another permission appear grayed-out, indicating they are read-only. For example, for #3 in the image above, the Read permission is an implied permission because of the Write permission that was explicitly given.

For more information about where a specific user or group was granted a permission, click Troubleshoot Permissions. For more information, see Troubleshooting Permissions .

Permissions for SSH keysets

In Trust Protection Platform you can manage permissions for keysets independent of the devices they are connected to. You can do this either by using policies, or through permissions set on the keyset itself.

Permissions on a keyset through policies

Keys can be moved individually, or in bulk to policy folders whereupon the applicable policy settings will be applied to the keysets. If a keyset is in a policy folder and the user has the Manage Permissions permission, a new tab appears on the keyset details page, allowing the user to view and edit the keyset's permissions.

When keysets are added to a policy folder, their permissions are no longer coming from the device they are connected to. Therefore, you can have a case where a user has permissions to view or edit a keyset, but doesn't have permissions to view or edit the device the keyset is linked to. In this situation, a user can still rotate the keyset, but will not be able to add keys.

Permissions on a keyset through keyset settings (for application owners)

In previous versions of SSH Protect, you had to have permissions on the device where a key was installed if you wanted to take action on the keyset. This was difficult for application owners who needed to manage keys for their application, but they didn't have admin permissions on the device.

SSH Protect now allows you to store permission information on the individual keyset, in addition to the permissions on the device object.

The table below (click the headline to expand) shows what permissions are needed to take specific actions on a key or keyset, depending on whether the permissions are set at the device level or on the keyset. (Note in the comments when an option is provided that requires some level of permissions on both the device and the keyset.)

Permissions for identities

To view permissions for an identity, locate the object, and then click Permissions Granted on the left.

The Permissions Granted panel shows the object in the policy tree (policy/folder, certificate, or device) where the permission is explicitly granted. If the permission is granted to a group, you can click the name of the group to open the group identity, and see the permissions that have been granted to that group.

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