Customizing the Management Information Base

For each Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) channel object, you must generate and distribute the venafi.mib file to the SNMP management console. Whenever events change, for example you upgrade to a new version of Trust Protection Platform, you can regenerate and redistribute the .mib file.

To generate the file, you run the GenerateMIB utility. GenerateMIB maps events to specific Object Identifiers (OID)s in the .mib file. The OIDs include the Trust Protection Platform event fields and descriptive event text so administrators can look for specific traps in their monitoring systems.

To customize the Venafi Trust Protection Platform MIB file

  1. From the Platform menu bar, click Policy Tree.

    NOTE  You must have the Read Write permission to the Log Application objects in the Logging Tree.

  2. Select the Logging tree in the Tree drop-down menu.
  3. In the Logging tree, expand the Event Definitions folder.

  4. Click an event definition, which is also known as a Log Application object.

    The object attributes and event schema display in the Detail view.

  1. Within the Schema window, you can only modify the Component_Description event text. For more information, see About the Log schema.

    CAUTION  Use great caution when modifying the event schema. Events must conform to a standardized structure in order for Venafi Trust Protection Platform’s logging and notifications systems to function properly. For assistance with customizing the Venafi Trust Protection Platform MIB file, contact the Venafi Professional Services Group.

  2. To apply the changes, click Save.
  3. On the Trust Protection Platform server, open a command prompt.
  4. Browse to the [drive]:\Program Files\Venafi\Platform directory.
  5. Execute the GenerateMIB utility:

    GenerateMIB [-n:<mibname>] [-m:<modulename>] [-o:<outfile>] [-?|-h]


    Generatemib.exe –n:VENAFI-MIB –o:VENAFI-MIB.txt

This program creates the venafi.mib file in the current directory.
  1. Distribute the MIB file to the SNMP management console.
  2. Each time events change, re-run the GenerateMIB utility and redistribute the resulting venafi.mib file.