SMTP channel object configuration

The SMTP Channel object stores the information that the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) driver needs to send events through an SMTP server. The channel also includes the actual notification message.

The policy settings from the Channels folder can supply locked or suggested values in the SMTP Channel object. For more information, see About configuring the Channels folder.

The following table describes the configuration settings on the SMTP Channel tab.

NOTE  To modify the options in the first table below, you can use either WinAdmin or Policy Tree. However, to configure the actual notification message you need to use WinAdmin.

In either case, you will need to open the Logging tree, then click Channels.

SMTP Channel > Settings tab (WinAdmin or Policy Tree)

SMTP Options




Hostname or IP address of the SMTP server.

Trust Protection Platform Channel drivers support both IPv4 and IPv6 connections.

If a hostname is specified, only the first resolved address associated with that name is used. You can append the port number to the host. For example: <hostname>:25.


Username credential required to authenticate with the SMTP server. Configure this option only if SMTP authentication is configured on your SMTP server. Otherwise, all notifications routed through this Channel object will fail.


Name that appears in the From: line for all messages sent from this SMTP Channel object.

Some SMTP servers require this field to be a valid email address. If this is required by your SMTP server, make sure you provide a valid email address, such as


Specifies the recipients who should receive this notification. Most commonly, this is a macro, such as $ConsumerEMail[$Event.Component$]$.


Specifies the recipients who should be copied on this notification. Most commonly, this is a macro, such as $ConsumerEMail[$Event.Component$]$.


Specifies the recipients who should receive a blind carbon copy of this notification. This field allows you to send the notification to a distribution list or group, but prevent "reply all" messages from being sent to the entire group.

Most commonly, this is a macro, such as $ConsumerEMail[$Event.Component$]$.


Configures the SMTP channel driver to use Transport Layer Security (TLS) to send SMTP notifications. Select this option only if your SMTP server is configured to support TLS. Otherwise, all notifications routed through this Channel object will fail.

Log Delivery

The setting to manage SMTP events regarding delivery success or failure.

No: Discard log events.

Yes: Log email notifications. For example, the driver fails to connect to the SMTP server. If available, additional information appears in the exception details from the SMTP server. This information is helpful in troubleshooting connectivity and configuration issues.

Behavior of macros able to generate attachments (WinAdminonly)



Embed in macro output

Output of the macro is included in the body of the email.

Attach as file

Macros that support attachments will have their output included as an attachment. The following macros support attachments:

NOTE  If you select Attach as file, you'll also need to select Text files, Binary files, or both.

Text files

File format of the attachment.

EXAMPLE   With the certificate macro, this would be a PEM file. With a certificate chain macro, this would be a PEM-formatted file for each certificate in the chain.

Binary files

File format of the attachment.

EXAMPLE  With the certificate macro this would be a DER file. With a Certificate chain macro, this would be a p7b file.

Message (WinAdmin only)

Field Description


Available only on the SMTP Channel object. The text that appears in the Subject line for all messages sent from this SMTP Channel object. The subject line can contain up to 255 characters.


Available only on the SMTP Channel object. The text that appears in the email body.

You might type instructions for how users might download a certificate, for example, describing what they should do after downloading their certificate.

General > Permissions tab

On the Permissions tab, you select the users or groups to whom you want to grant permissions to the current object. Then, you select which permissions you want the users or groups to have. You can also manage object permissions via parent objects, including the root Platform object or the Trust Protection Platform server object (found in the Platforms tree).

If you configure Permissions in a parent object, those permissions are inherited by all subordinate objects.