Managing the Log server

The Venafi Trust Protection Platform™ Log server manages the flow of information to the Log Store (Default SQL Channel), interprets Notification Rules, and utilizes Channels to deliver events based on those rules. It receives incoming events from Log Applications, then logs all events to the Log Store to ensure there is a complete audit trail of all system operations and events. Once an event is logged to the Log Store, the Log server determines if the event matches the criteria of any notification rule. If there is a match, the Log server forwards the event via the appropriate channels.

The Log Server object represents the Venafi Log Server service—the program component that provides all logging and notification functions. The Log server object is automatically created and configured in the Logging tree when you install Trust Protection Platform.

Whenever you make configuration changes to the Default Log Channel, the log server requires a restart.  Every other channel changes will refresh after configuration changes.

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