Managing event structure and log schema

To categorize events, the logging application translates event definitions to a human readable format. Any consumer, which reads the events, relies on event definitions. For example, translation occurs any time a log macro runs or any time you view events.

All event definitions are based on the log schema, which is a fixed set of fields. The following types of event definitions are available:

  • Predefined event definitions: A set of Trust Protection Platform event definitions. The event definitions appear in the Logging Event Definitions folder.

    During installation, VCC imports Log Schema Channel (.LSC) files with the pre-defined events to the Log server schema. The imported event definitions appear in the Logging Event Definitions folder.

    To see a complete list of Trust Protection Platform Event Group IDs and error codes, which are in hexadecimal format, visit our Support article.

  • Add-on application event definitions: An optional set of event definitions that you define for your custom SDK applications. Add-on application event definitions use Component IDs in the 0200-0299 range. This reserved range of Component IDs ensures that your event definitions have unique Event IDs. After a successful import, the event definitions appear in the Logging Event Definitions folder.

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