Log events

Log events are generated by log applications. Log applications include Trust Protection Platform program components as well as custom add-ons provided by Venafi, partners, or customer organizations.

All events logged through the Trust Protection Platform have a standardized set of fields. This allows the Trust Protection Platform Log server to log events to a database and query events across all Log Applications. For a detailed explanation of event structure, see Managing event structure and log schema.

The individual events, generated by each Log Application, are defined in the log schema. The log schema catalogs the events that can be logged by a given logging application. It also defines static event data such as the event ID, description, and readable log text. For more information, see About the Log schema.

Log schemas are stored under their respective log application objects in the Logging tree. You can view a log schema in the Schema window of its associated log application object. For more information, see Viewing Log application objects and schemas.