Scheduling a job

You can schedule a job to run automatically based on your time preferences.

To schedule a job

  1. From the Aperture menu bar, click Configuration > Jobs.

  2. In the Jobs list, click the job you want to schedule.
  3. In the sidebar, click Schedule, and then do the following:

  4. (Optional) If you don't want to set a recurring time to run the job, leave Frequency set to Manually.
  5. If you want to set a recurring time, use the drop-down arrow to select the Frequency.

    Remember that all times are local, that is, the time displayed is the OS clock time and is localized.

  6. Fill in the Day, Month, and Start Time, as needed.

  7. (Conditional) If you are creating a Network Discovery job, then under Blackout Times, click to block out one hour blocks of time to disable processing for those hours.

    Blackout times are designed to work only with network discovery job types.

  8. When you're done, click Save.

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