About device placement work

When you set up device placement work, you are telling Trust Protection Platform where to place discovered devices. You place devices in folders. Folders provide the structure for organizing encryption assets. Folders not only help you to organize discovered devices, but by setting policy attributes on those folders, you can configure settings on all devices contained in a given folder.

NOTE  When you use the default setting, Trust Protection Platform looks for existing device objects with the same hostname, IP, or FQDN and reuses that object instead of creating a new object.

Inheritance is a key feature of the folder structure. Settings applied to a top-level folder get inherited by folders below it, and so forth. Inherited settings can be overridden by settings in child (or sub-) folders.

Trust Protection Platform has two work types for device placement work:

  • Certificate Device Placement Work
  • SSH Device Placement Work

For each work object, you can specify the default folder in the policy tree where discovered devices should be placed. Newly created device objects are named after the FQDN of the system that is reported by the Server Agent.

For steps on configuring device placement work, seeConfiguring SSH and Certificate device placement work.

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