Which edition of Microsoft SQL Server should I use?

When deciding which edition of Microsoft SQL Server to use with Venafi Trust Protection PlatformMicrosoft SQL Server Enterprise or Standard Edition—carefully review the following table:

Considerations for choosing which Microsoft SQL Server Edition to use with Trust Protection Platform

Use Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition (Recommended) if you want

Use Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition if you want

Automated database maintenance Manual database maintenance

Automated indexing operations

TIP  The performance of index operations online is a major benefit of using Microsoft SQL Enterprise Edition. Enterprise Edition allows Venafi Platform to perform these maintenance tasks automatically and in the background with the service remaining active.

Manual indexing operations

IMPORTANT  Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition only lets you rebuild and reorganize indexes—a recommended weekly task performed manually—and requires that you take your database server offline, which results in an outage of Venafi Platform.

Support for all three on-premise levels:

  • Level 1: Minimum requirements for up to 50k active certificates and 1k SSH servers
  • Level 2: Minimum requirements for up to 250k active certificates and 5k SSH servers
  • Level 3: Minimum requirements for up to 1M active certificates and 20k SSH servers

For more information about levels, see Locally Hosted MSSQL Requirements.

Support for two of the three available levels:

  • Level 1: Minimum requirements for up to 50k active certificates and 1k SSH servers
  • Level 2: Minimum requirements for up to 250k active certificates and 5k SSH servers

For more information about levels, see Locally Hosted MSSQL Requirements.

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