Managing existing credentials

If you need to modify, move, or delete existing credentials, look no further than the Credentials inventory in TLS Protect (Inventory > Credentials).

One of the most common reasons to update credentials is when your organization's security policy requires you to change username and password credentials. And sometimes you just need to clean up by deleting credentials no longer in use.

From the Credentials inventory, you can view details about a specific credential, including where it's used and the permissions applied to it. You can move, rename, or delete a credential. And you can even replace the private key of a private key credential by simply dragging and dropping in a new one.

TIP  Each row in the Credentials inventory includes a quick action button that lets you apply actions on the credential, such as moving or deleting. For private key credentials, you can even replace its associated private key with another private key (see Replacing a private key credential's private key).

The Credentials inventory shows you the credentials stored in the system and lets you filter the list, making it easier to locate specific types of credentials.