Command-line administration of Recycle Bin
While the recycle bin features in the UI are sufficient for most tasks, Venafi Platform includes a command line utility to run recycle bin tasks either programmatically or manually.
For example, if you have a recycle bin task that is running, and you want to stop it, you can use the stopdelete
command. Or, if you want to do an immediate purge and not wait for the nightly task to run, you can use the startpurge
The command line utility is located at:
For help at the command line, type the following after any command:
For example, for information on the purge action, type:
TppRecycleBin purge -h
NOTE All command line options are case sensitive.
Available Commands
Use any of these commands after the TppRecycleBin.exe
Command | Description | Required flags | Optional Flags1 |
Display the contents of the recycle bin. |
Purge all items in the recycle bin immediately. | -user:<name>
Restore a single deleted item using the item's guid | -guid:<guid>
Purge a single deleted item using the items guid | -guid:<guid>
Immediately start the nightly recycle bin purge task. | -user:<name>
Immediately stop the recycle bin purge task | -user:<name>
Immediately start the nightly automatic deletion task | -user:<name>
Immediately stop the deletion task | -user:<name>
Display information on tasks that are running |
Available Options
For the specific options available for a given command, execute the command with the -h
Option | Description | Command syntax / example |
The username of a master admin |
The user's password | stoppurge -pass:PasswordGoesHere
Help for the command you supply | startdelete -h
The GUID of the object to restore | purge -guid:339efc1-7150-4fa8-8cd7-9ad3597fe1d2
If an error occurs when using the command line, you might find the following topic in the API documentation helpful: Recycle Bin result codes.
As an alternative to interacting with the command line, you may be able to use the RecycleBin API. For more information see RecycleBin API.