Completing the Properties tab

This tab displays information about the Project as a whole, allows you to add users to specific roles, and allows you to limit code signing applications that are permitted to use this Project.

Project Name

This is the name of the Project. It is not editable.


This is the project description. You can edit it here.

User roles

For each role, enter the users or groups responsible for fulfilling that role.


Responsibility summary


Requests code signing projects, and once the project is approved, maintains the project. During project creation, this field is pre-populated with the person requesting the project.


Currently, can only view project settings and retrieve archive entries using POST Codesign/RetrieveArchiveEntries.

Key User

Uses the private keys managed by Trust Protection Platform to sign code.

The Code Signing Administrator has the option disallow project key users from having any other roles in the project.

Key Use Approver

When configured in Flow, approves or denies use of private code signing keys.

Permitted Applications

(Optional) If you want to restrict what signing applications are allowed to use this project, enter them in the Permitted Applications field. If you leave this field blank, all signing applications will be permitted.

What's next

After completing this tab, click into the Environments tab to create new Environments.