Certificate & Key Environment

Follow the steps below to complete setting up a Certificate & Key Environment.

NOTE  As you proceed through these steps, note that some of the fields may not be editable, and some fields may not appear at all. This is based on the Environment Type you selected and the Environment Template settings that your Code Signing Administrator has established.

  1. To prevent expired keys or certificates to be used for signing, enable Prevent Use Of Expired Environment.

    DID YOU KNOW?  Some code signing applications allow you to sign with expired code signing certificates. Enabling this option in CodeSign Protect prevents expired keys and certificates from being used to sign, even if a particular application allows it.

  2. Select a Signing Flow to use for this Environment. The Flow you select will be invoked when the keys associated with this Environment are used.

  3. Select a Key Storage Location, which is where the private key will be stored. Selecting Software stores the key in the Trust Protection Platform Secret Store.

    Other options, such as HSMs, may be available based on key storage locations configured by your Code Signing Administrator.

  4. To re-use the same private key when the certificate is renewed, enable Re-Use private key. If disabled, a new private key will be generated upon certificate renewal.

  5. Select a Creation Type, and then following the instructions for the type you select below.

What's Next

If you need additional Environments as part of this Project, you can create those now. A Project can have as many Environments as needed, and the Environments can be any type.

If you're done creating Environments, you can submit your Project for approval.