Configure Code Signing Flows

The purpose of Code Signing Flows is to allow Code Signing Administrators to require approvals, checks, and actions before a key can be used to sign. You can open the Code Signing Flows interface by opening the Customer Flows node, and then clicking Add new Code Signing Flow in the Actions Panel.

The Actions Panel shows the actions that you can add to the flow.

  • The Insert Approval section includes the options to insert several types of approvals:

    • Standard approvals allow you to select either the Project Owner or the Project Key Use Approvers as approvers. These roles are set in the Code Signing Project configurations. See Add a Standard Approval step.

    • Fixed approvals are similar to Standard approvals, except that a named approver or group is identified rather than relying on the roles from the Code Signing Project. See Add a Fixed Approval Step.

    • Administrator approvals allow you to require approval from Code Signing Administrators and/or Master Admins. See Add an Administrator Approval step.

    When a Key User signs with a key that has a Code Signing Flow that requires approvals, an approval request will be sent to the approvers. Once the approvals are given, the Key User can then re-perform the signing.

  • The Insert Check section includes the option to add certain pre-signing checks that must be satisfied prior to the signing being performed.

    • Pre-Approval provides Code Signing Administrators the ability to approve the use of a code signing key prior to a code signing event. See Add a Pre-Approval check.

    • Pre-Qualified Signatures allows you to upload hashes to CodeSign Protect. For Environments that use this Flow, the hash of the code being signed must match a hash that has been uploaded to CodeSign Protect. See Add a Pre-Qualified Signature check.

  • The Insert Action section allows you to create custom log events to be associated with this Flow.

Code Signing Flows can be configured with any number and any mix actions. The pre-approval action can also be configured to disable any subsequent approval actions in the Flow, dependent upon successful pre-approval.

Set up Code Signing Flows

BEST PRACTICE  When an approval ticket is created, the Approvers are written to the ticket, and those Approvers are the only ones who can approve it.

Assigning groups as Approvers (rather than individuals) provides flexibility with who can approve the ticket. Group membership can be changed anytime. So if the Approvers are part of a group, and the group is assigned as the Approver, you then have the ability to manage the effective Approver list independent of the ticket itself.

In general, the more you can do with group assignments, the better.

  1. In the Custom Flows node, click Add new Code Signing Flow in the Actions Panel.

  2. Give the new Flow a name, and then click Create. The name will be used as both the Flow name and as the name of the first step in the Flow. The new Flow is added to the Custom Flows node and the Code Signing Flow configuration screen opens.

Edit an approval step

Click the step you want to edit, and from the Actions Panel, click Properties.

Delete an approval step

Click any step after the first step, and from the Actions Panel, click Delete.

Delete an entire Flow

  1. Unassign the Flow from any Environment Templates that use the Flow. Flows that are in use cannot be deleted. See Edit existing Environment Templates.
  2. In the Flow Summary Panel, click the first step. In the Actions Panel, click Delete.